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Behind the Curtains

Chrissy Espy

As we train today behind a curtain I am reminded of the importance of being hidden and safe. Often it is easy for us to forget that these courageous men are entering into some of the most dangerous places all over the world. It astounds me how God is using this ministry to prepare them. I am so honored to be a part of it. Here at this unnamed location out somewhere in Cambodia we train behind curtains so to keep the faces inside a secret from people passing. Some of these guys are also pastors, and that to me is got to be one of the best bivocational jobs out there.

You won't see their faces on social media. You won't hear much about them, but they are the ones truly in the front lines rescuing these precious girls and boys from sex slavery. Not everyone is happy about these rescuers taking these girls out of trafficking. They are often sought out to kill for taking these women (and therefore their money) away from the Jon's. We at SWAT Ministries are honored in having the privilege to train and equip these brave men in skills that are vital to their survival and for those they are rescuing.

You won't ever see their names, or their facebook statuses but just know that they are here, making a difference because you helped support us. Not everyone can be on the front lines, but that doesn't mean your part isn't just as important. None of this could be occurring without your prayers and support. If you haven't already, please consider partnering with SWAT Ministries to aid in the fight against trafficking.

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