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Getting Back in Action

The ministry is getting Back in Action after spending the past several months traveling across the United States in an Awareness Campaign (you can read all about it HERE) WOW is all that we can say about our trip! We are so blessed and grateful for the many willing hearts to help continue our mission. We want to thank you for the support and love shown to the ministry in the past few months! There are some good things happening through SWAT Ministries because of your support and through the grace of God!

1. INTERNS!!! This summer three College students with a passion for missions and heart for Jesus are joining us in Thailand to help us train operators, rescued children, and aftercare providers in the fight against human trafficking. You can follow their adventure on our Facebook page, and then turn on your post notifications from SWAT.

2. We have an OFFICE!!! We are diligently working to get the new SWAT Ministries Office building in Thailand up and running! Our ministry is extremely proud and excited, working from home and on the go can be challenging, now we have an office to continue the work God has for us!

3. Back in Action - Training! We are kicking it back in gear training operators, rescued children, and aftercare workers! We want to spread the love of Christ through training efforts fighting human trafficking!

There are many more needs but we are thankful for these that have been filled! We would not have had the opportunity to be able to host interns or be able to have an office space without our supporters! Thank you again and continue to follow us to see how we are impacting the world through fighting human trafficking!



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